Ben’s Blogs &Twogs

Blog 10: Velshi’s Banned Book Club
I had the pleasure of talking about “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe” on MSNBC this morning with Ali Velshi. What an honor! Here's a behind-the-scenes watch. Thank you for allowing me to share a little bit about my story.

Twog 3: The Morning
The morning wakes me, It is always as if my body hears the new day and wakes. My two dogs who sleep beside me, listen to my waking body. My Yorkie, Chuy, hops on me and licks my face.

Blog 9: Students I See Every Day
This week’s poem blog comes in a form of a poem I wrote for my students to remind myself of the sacrifices they made in order to have a better life.

Blog 8: My 68th Birthday Thank You Message
*Four* days ago I turned 68. Here is a special thank you for all of the Birthday wishes I received. Thank you for making my life the beautiful thing that it is.

Twog 2: The Subject is Death But Really the Subject is Life
People die. Everyday. That’s what we do—eventually anyway. Death is an idea until that idea is attached to a person we know. Then it is no longer an idea but something very real—and very painful.

Blog 7: Meanderings around Talk and Language and Writing And Words and Meaning Part II
I talk to you. You talk to me. You ask me a question and I answer it. Two people using words to communicate. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? It isn’t. We use words. We use language. And all is well. But what accounts for so much miscommunication?

Blog 6: Meanderings around Talk and Language and Writing And Words and Meaning Part I
Talk is cheap. What the fuck are you talkin’ about? I was talkin to this guy and he said most everyone he knows is always talking shit. I never want to talk to him again. There is no talking in this class. There’s no talkin’ to him.
Blog 5: Poetry Because I Am A Poet
Poetry is home base. Poetry is my default setting. Poetry was my first love and once it managed to enter into my body, it lodged itself in one of the chambers of my heart.

Blog 4: Meditations on Writing: A Novena
I wrote this presentation at a writing conference twenty-one years ago in Corpus Christi, Texas. It was the first time that I gave a presentation to a room that held more than two-hundred people.

Blog 3: The Word Fuck. And the Little Boy Inside.
I’m sixty-four. In some ways, I feel like I’m still a boy. Is this a good thing? Or a bad thing?

Blog 2: God & America & Apple Pie
The expression, “As American as apple pie,” has always puzzled me since apple pies didn’t originate in America.

Twog 1: The Occasional TWOG
What, you may ask, is a TWOG? Never heard of it? Well, you won’t find that word in the dictionary. You won’t even find it in the Urban Dictionary.

Blog 1: In the Breaking, Maybe Something Beautiful
My subject today is brokenness and the things that come out of that brokenness.